An Understanding of the Final Project

The Requirements for The Final Project

For the final project, I have to choose one action plan/ research to deepen the knowledge of a specific educational topic that is related to globalization or international mindedness. The final project must be authentic and it is done through a strictly scientific method of resource and data collection, analysis, and synthesize. I have to present a  written essay with required formats and structure at the end of the final Module.

Action Research

It's a step by step spiral process in which the researchers identify the problem/ question, then collect, study, examine data and drawn in the hypothesis for the final step-action planning to make the attempts to achieve better teaching results. Through trial and error, researchers gain valid and reliable data on their developing virtuosity.

* The seven-step process
1. Selecting a focus: What element(s) of our practice or what aspect of student
  learning do we wish to investigate?
2. Clarifying theories
3. Identifying research questions
4. Collecting data: Triangulation process means using multiple independent sources 
  data to answer one's questions.
5. Analyzing data: To Sort, sift, rank, and examine their data to answer two generic
  questions: 1) What is the story told by these data? 2) Why did the
  story play itself out this way?
6. Reporting results
7. Taking informed action

* The purpose of action research
- Professionalize teaching.
- Enhance the motivation and efficacy of a weary faculty.
- Meet the needs of an increasingly diverse student body.
- Achieve success with “standards-based” reforms.

Ideas for Action Research Proposal

For the time being, I have a few possible general directions for my proposal.
1. A look a the third culture kids and how to support them holistically.
2. Mixed-culture classroom and the classroom management
          3. Culture responsive instruction in Art  

Challenging and Comfortable Requirements

To be honest, the whole project is intimidating to me since I've never done a academic research before and it might be the most difficult thing I have to write using my second language. But I am determined to face it and take it down step by step.  The most challenging requirement for me at this point is the part that I have to find previous research that has been done in the field and to analyze it. I am concerning that I may not find related research to work with and plus I have to synthesize and analyze it. I really have to put my growing mindset hat on for crossing these challenges.  


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