Pre-Assessment for Differentiation

Pre-Assessment for Differentiation

Pre-assessment provides valuable information about what is already known about a topic and readiness to start new instruction. Discovering prior knowledge allows the teacher to present new information at an appropriate level for the students. This process should continue throughout the learning process so that lessons can be adjusted according to student need. As an art teacher, I must face hundreds of students. An effective pre-assessment helps me to determine the best strategies for helping students in the different level and different needs.

There are some pre-assessment I would use in my art lessons.
1)Drawing related to topic or content
2)Game activities
3)Graphic organizers
4)Guess Box
5)Informational surveys/Questionnaires/Inventories
6)Initiating activities
7)Picture Interpretation
8)Show of hands to determine understanding
9)Teacher observation/checklists

I had created a Kahoot for Pre-assessment. The good thing is it collects data and load it into the google system. I found it doesn't cover the needs for the subject of Art because it doesn't support the function of multiple answers using images. I will look for better and suable options for Art pre-assessment in the future.

Here is the link to the Kahoot I created for this pre-assessment.

I had created a Lucidchart for the three groups of students that need differentiate instructions.

1) Group #1- The five students who answered most, including the most difficult, of the pre-assessment questions correctly.

Differentiate instructions- Provide opportunities for learning beyond the standards. The key is to motivate them and guide them to explore more and gain an in-depth understanding or making a complex connection. For example, optional research-based quests to do in-depth learning.

2) Group #2- The 12 students who have some knowledge about the topic

Differentiate instructions- For this group of the students who contain knowledge partially or misconceptions, I will reinforce the concept or knowledge required for the project by implementing different learning activities. For example, small group learning projects. Students will be able to collaborate and discuss the content.

3) Group #3- The five students who have limited knowledge about the topic.

Differentiate instructions- For the group of the students who don't seem to have a clue or only contains a limited understanding of the subject, I will do a small group instruction and demonstration to help the students understand the subject matter. I will also use assistive technology to help them gain understanding. For example, a video or viusal aids.

The ultimate goal of the pre-assessments is to help the students reach further than where they begin with. The process is an on-going quest that requires teachers' withness and their understanding of the students' current status. Only to understand where they are so they can reach and leap form it.

My Lucidchart Link:

* Image- Education and Training Monitor - Education and training - European Commission. (n.d.). Retrieved March 12, 2018, from

*A. (n.d.). Differentiation: It Starts with Pre-Assessment. Retrieved March 12, 2018, from
*5. Pre-assessment Ideas - Differentiation & LR Information for SAS Teachers. (n.d.). Retrieved March 12, 2018, from


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