Standards and Backwards Mapping

Paper, Messy Notes, Abstract, Papers

Image result for Standards and Backwards MappingBackward design, also called backward planning or backward mapping, is a process that educators use to design learning experiences and instructional techniques to achieve specific learning goals. Backward design begins with the objectives of a unit or course—what students are expected to learn and be able to do—and then proceeds “backward” to create lessons that achieve those desired goals.(Concepts, L. 2013) 
As a former graphic designer, I cannot help but notice the similarity between teachers and designers. Just like good designers, in the process of designing the lesson plan a well-rounded teacher must be mindful of the learner's need and the desired outcome of the learner's performance. Each step takes well consideration of the analyzed strategies. A significant amount of creativity is required and appreciated to engage user's (learner's). Most of all, they all desire a maximum positive user experience who fully absorb the content. A well-planned and crafted process to deliver the information and reaching the desired outcome in order to elevate the student's knowledge and mind. This is how I see backward mapping. 

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National Core Art Standard

A Conceptual Framework for Arts Learning

National Core Arts Standards are framed by a definition of artistic literacy that includes philosophical foundations and lifelong goals, artistic processes and creative practices, anchor and performance standards that students should attain, and model cornerstone assessments by which they can be measured. This conceptual framework is intended to serve as an entry point into the further refinement of the standards through feedback and discussion with a broad range of stakeholders. In addition, an extensive research has been done in support of the standards revision (ranging from international standards and to alignment to the Common Core Standards in Mathematics and English Language Arts).

The standards for the Visual Art
The standards for the Visual Art are to help us to identify the learning that we want for all of our students and to drive improvement in the system that delivers that learning. It also serves as a guideline for applying the essential training for the 21st-century skills in the lessons.

Image result for art

National Core Art Standard Grade 3 VA:Cr2.1.3 
Create personally satisfying artwork using a variety of artistic processes and materials

Art is not a logical liner assumption that can be perfect by memorizing formula or adding numbers. I think it is very crucial for the students to understand the creative process and to be familiar with the attitude of experimenting ways to express themselves through Art. I am planning to teach Elementary Art. I choose this standard because through this standard students will learn different forms or technique for Art expression. They could experience how an artist decides in the process of creating art. I would like the students to explore the various form of art, and I would like them to feel empowered as they learning new skills for creating art.

3 Proficiencies 
1. Students will demonstrate an understanding of the construction of Pattern and what Symmetric means in the art.
2. Students will present an Islamic inspired pattern artwork printed by recycled objects.
3. Students will present a well-crafted artwork that refined and finalized in details.

3 Assessments
1. Use ArtRage app in iPad to create a picture of patterns by using shapes in the app to reflect on their understanding.  Screenshot and upload to Google Drive Class Folder by Name.
2. Create a symmetric grid by using paper folding technique or rulers.
3. Create an Islamic inspired pattern artwork printed by recycled objects and refined with sharpy markered details.

4 Learning Experiences or Activities 
1. A presentation introducing the concept and attributes of Pattern in Art followed by a guided walk through the school to observe and discover the patterns that hidden in the architecture.
2. An activity to practicing making Pattern by using tangrams.
3. An activity using origami paper to practice making symmetric grids.
4. Create an Islamic inspired pattern artwork printed by recycled objects and refined with sharpy markered details.

References :

*Concepts, L. (2013, December 13). Backward Design Definition. Retrieved January 21, 2018, from
*(n.d.). Retrieved January 21, 2018, from
*Figure 2f from: Irimia R, Gottschling M (2016) Taxonomic revision of Rochefortia Sw. (Ehretiaceae, Boraginales). Biodiversity Data Journal 4: e7720. (n.d.). doi:10.3897/bdj.4.e7720.figure2f


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